Ortofon Hi-Fi MC Quintet Blue



  • Output voltage at 1 kHz 5 cm/sec - 0.5 mV
  • Channel balance - < 1.5 dB
  • Channel separation at 1 kHz - > 21 dB
  • Channel separation at 15 kHz - > 14 dB
  • Frequency response 20-20.000 Hz - +/-2.5 dB
  • Tracking ability at 315 Hz at recommended tracking force *) - 70 μm
  • Compliance, dynamic, lateral - 15 μm/mN
  • Stylus type - Nude Elliptical
  • Stylus tip radius - r/R 8/18 μm
  • Tracking force range - 2.1-2.5 g (21-25 mN)
  • Tracking force recommended - 2.3 g (23 mN)
  • Tracking angle - 20º
  • Internal impedance, DC resistance - 7 Ohm
  • Recommended load impedance - >20 Ohm
  • Cartridge body material - ABS/Aluminium
  • Coil wire material - Pure 4-nines silver
  • Cartridge colour - Blue
  • Cartridge weight - 9 g

*) Typical value

What Hi-Fi? Awards 2020 winner in the category "Best Cartridge Over £150”

"If you’re after an affordable cartridge, we haven’t heard a better option".

"...The Quintet Blue handles the music’s frantic dynamic swings with composure, refusing to harden-up even when provoked. We’re impressed by its refinement and ability to render treble textures.

...The Ortofon (MC Quintet Blue -red.) is a secure tracker too at the recommended 2.3g. The presentation’s even tonality and pleasing sense of life mean that we don’t feel the need to play around with the tracking weight one bit..."

Read the full review here https://www.whathifi.com/reviews/ortofon-quintet-blue.

What Hi-Fi? Awards 2019 winner in the category "A modestly priced moving coil cartridge" What Hi-Fi July 2019

"...Detailed and precise presentation, expressive dynamics, easy to fit..."

VERDICT: Given a suitably capable system we have no doubt the Ortofon Quintet Blue will impress. It’s a well-balanced design with no obvious weaknesses. If you’ve always hankered after a moving coil cartridge we can’t think of an alternative we prefer. Buy this one with confidence. SCORES: Sound 5 Compatibility 5 Build 5

TNT USA October 2015 Reviewed by Todd Bromgard

"...The Quintet Blue has few faults, particularly at its price point. It plays relatively neutral, without obvious colorations or frequency dips, and strikes a good balance between musical and analytical. While it's not the last word in resolving power, it is detailed, dynamic and casts a three-dimension soundstage. Its weaknesses are apparent only when compared to more expensive cartridges. Happily, I have been listening to the Quintet Blue for several months and it continues to be a satisfying performer. Highly recommended!"

Hi-Fi Choice October 2014 Reviewed and tested by Andrew Simpson

Verdict: Superb sounding all-rounder that shows analogue at its best. Excellent value.

"... It offers the most comprehensive and enjoyable performance with all music, showing Ortofon has clearly hit upon another magic formula... ...it presents all the detail in the track with real dymanism … its soundstage is expansive left to right…and it also possesses a greater talent for bringing instruments within it to life...
…Each instrument gets the space to let its notes grow, which it knits together into a cohesive whole, revealing its measured and neutral presentation… …Bass is well articulated and evenly presented without being overly emphasized or rolling off too early, making its presence and detail felt without becoming overwhelming on more demanding bass-heavy music."

In the beginning was the sound track

On the 9th of October 1918, the two Danish engineers, Axel Petersen (1887-1971) and Arnold Poulsen (1889-1952) founded the Electrical Phono Film Company with a few capable and foresighted businessmen who would support the organization financially.

Their aim was to explore the possibility of high-class recording and developing one of the first synchronized sound film systems in the world. Under primitive conditions, the two Danish engineers and their small staff had to solve a number of what were considered insuperable problems.

Ortofon today

Today Ortofon is a micro-mechanical powerhouse, which develops, manufactures and markets the world acclaimed Ortofon phono cartridges and components for the Hearing Aids industry. We benefit from being established in Denmark, a country recognized for its strong tradition in acoustics and its wealth of other high-end manufacturers, who make hearing aids and acoustic measurement equipment, in addition to all aspects of high-end audio.

Ortofon is owned by Danish businessmen and employs a staff of about 150 people. The Ortofon manufacturing unit in Nakskov in the south of Denmark has modern machinery combined with experienced operators, so human craftsmanship is delivered with uniform industrial quality.

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